Directed by sleek and snarky action auteur Guy Ritchie, The Gentlemen follows the story of American expat Michael Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) looking to expand his London marijuana empire. Just as in Ritchie’s other famous London crime capers (Snatch; Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels), a cavalcade of nefarious gangsters enter the milieu, attempting various schemes to blackmail Pearson and steal his empire out from under him.

Why Stream The Gentlemen?

The Characters

The Gentlemen‘s plot is mostly straightforward with the characters and the actors who portray them carrying the film throughout. Everyone is perfectly cast for their respective roles, and McConaughey is especially adept in his role as a charming crime boss. Hugh Grant also turns in a brilliant performance alongside standout performances from both Charlie Hunnam and Collin Farrell.

Cinematography and Story

The film is a visual treat with top-notch cinematography that puts on display all the luxuries as well as the dangers of the illegal drug trade.

Add in excellent editing with smooth transitions + a solid story told from a variety of perspectives that allows for rich character development, and you’ve got a recipe for an engaging and compelling take on the genre made popular by Ritchie himself.

The Unique Guy Ritchie Style

Guy Ritchie’s style is so famous that it’s practically infamous with multiple copycats (and even parodies) over the years, yet none of Ritchie’s peers could ever quite capture the magic of his distinctive techniques.

Part of that distinctive style is Ritchie’s humor, and in this case, it moves the narrative along nicely. Here’s a taste:

Coach: His name is Phuc, but spelled with a “ph”, so it sounds like fook.

Phuc: Please!

Coach: Alright, Phuc, calm the fook down.

Another element of that unique Guy Ritchie style is the highly choreographed action scenes. In The Gentlemen, they contribute to the overall story in such a way that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout.

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What’s Doesn’t Work

Some jokes simply do not land well, which does upset the pace slightly, but that is the only real criticism.


After a long time experimenting with more family-friendly projects like Aladdin, King Arthur, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E., it’s great to see Ritchie revert back to his London crime caper roots with The Gentlemen. Despite some minor issues, The Gentlemen is an enjoyable film thanks to rich character development, stellar performances, and that signature comedy/action combo that Ritchie is so adept at delivering in a style that is all his own.

The Gentlemen is streaming now on Netflix.

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By Azlan

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