File: Clix banned from FNCS

On Monday, Sportskeeda reported Clix banned from FNCS for “teaming” with another player during a Fortnite tournament. This marks the number (fill in the blank, lol) time the popular Battle Royale competition streamer has been banned from a social media, streaming, or gaming platform since his rise to online prominence a few years ago. However, the latest news comes just months after Clix was banned from Twitch for streaming content that did not adhere to Twitch’s terms of service.

So what’s the latest?

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This isn’t the first time Clix has faced a ban

In 2019, Clix was hit with a lifetime ban from PUBG after allegedly using aimbot software that helps a player aim and shoot more effectively. He was also using an ESP (Extrasensory Perception) hack, which allows players to see the location of other players, making it easy to find and kill them.

In 2020, Clix was banned from Fortnite for two weeks after it was alleged he used aimbots and other hacks. He later admitted to using hacks in a stream, saying that he used them to help him practice and improve his skills.

Clix has been attacked for using hacks in the past, but he has always insisted they are for teaching purposes only. In a 2018 interview, he said: “I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong. I’m just trying to show people what’s possible in the game. I’m not trying to give people an unfair edge, I’m just trying to show them what’s possible.”

As recently as last September, however, Clix still faced bans. Check out his reaction to a Twitch ban last fall.

Clix banned from FNCS; last ban on Twitch in September

Clix banned from FNCS for the remainder of the tournament

The hit streamer took to Twitter to announce his ban on Fortnite late Sunday evening.

Clix banned from FNCS

According to Clix, the ban will remain in place for two weeks; however, the timing of it effectively removes him from the tournament for the next four months.

“I’m banned for two weeks. If you guys didn’t know, this means that I can’t play in FNCS (Fortnite Champion Series) Grand Finals and I can’t also play in the next FNCS, in a month. So, that means I can’t go to the LAN event and obviously, and I can’t play for the next four months, for FNCS.”


The streamer confirmed the duration of his ban with Epic, later posting:

“I had a call with Epic. As of right now, it’s going to be like that. As of right now, it’s going to stay like that. I pray to god, something changes. Since this is my life. I moved here for this.”


Apparently, the ban came after another player, nicknamed “Number one Clix hater,” teamed up with Clix on other players even though they were not on the same team. Number one Clix hater was also banned for the remainder of the tournament.

Final words

For now, it looks like Clix is finished with the spring/summer FNCS, though, don’t count him out. There is still a chance that Epic pulls back in light of Clix being unaware of the entire plot, but who knows? In any case, we haven’t heard the last from Cody “Clix” Conrod. Stay tuned.

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