Instagram has grown to be one of the most loved social media platforms. This is why organizations and live streamers today use it as a tool to reach and engage their customers. In this way, Instagram has become an essential program, incorporated in some form or another in most marketing plans today.

But how? This post will enumerate how to use Instagram Live to promote your live stream channel.

Create an Instagram account to go Instagram Live

Creating an Instagram account is easy. Just visit and click the Sign Up button (you can also sign in using your Facebook account).

Once you’ve completed the sign-up process, you’ll be prompted to select friends that you may be connected to, including friends in your contact list. Select who you’d like to notify and follow, then press Get Started.

You’ll be directed to your profile page after a few prompts for orientation.

Using Instagram Live to enhance viewership on live streaming

The tool used for Instagram is known as Instagram Live. Keep in mind that to use Instagram’s Go Live feature you’ll need to have downloaded the app on your phone. From the computer profile page, you can only send messages and post images with captions.

A step-by-step guide to creating an Instagram account for Instagram Live streaming

  1. As a newbie, you’ll need to check your camera setting before going live. Tap on the wheel icon in the top right corner of your screen to open the Instagram Live mode.
  2. On the dial menu icon located at the top left hand corner of your screen, you can modify a variety of settings, from who can see your story to who can reply. Review all settings and confirm.
  3. Select your Broadcast Audience. You can select Public or Private. Select one and then confirm by pressing Select Audience.
  4. You can also add a Title to your live stream by clicking on the hamburger menu on screen.
  5. Use the Search feature to locate friends you’d like to tag in your live stream.
  6. Practice in the Practice Mode. Instagram has a specialized practice mode where you can test your setup before going live. To enter the mode, select the eye icon from the screen’s left corner and toggle to practice from public.
  7. Once you are done practicing your stream, it is time to go live. Tap on the Live icon, and your broadcast will start instantly.

One other cool thing about Instagram Live is that you’ll be given the ability to schedule your Go Live event (you can Go Live at any time, but you can also schedule the event for a future date, which allows you to promote it ahead of time). This also means you’ll have the opportunity to cross-promote your event. For example, you could encourage viewers to join your live event and bring a friend. Or ask your Instagram followers to hop off their phones and join you for your next live stream – offer a prize or have a friend join your Instagram Live event to add more personality and engagement.

Once you go live, Instagram has some great feedback tools in place to let you know how it’s going. For example, folks who enjoy your live stream can communicate their engagement using Instagram hearts. Check out your viewer count at the top of the Go Live event screen and watch those hearts fly.

At the bottom of the screen, you’ll notice you have some additional features to improve your live stream. Answer questions, send your live stream video to a friend (while you’re live), apply face filters, change your camera, add comments and send photos or other videos from this menu.

Once you’ve finished your live session, you also have the opportunity to save the video for later use. Instagram even has a Live Room feature where you can share your Go Live experience with others going live.

Cross-promote with other influencers

A common strategy for reaching more viewers is to use the Go Live feature to cross-promote your brand with others. This typically results in a win-win scenario. You benefit from their viewers and they benefit from your audience.

Use SMART goals on Instagram Live

Let’s be honest, going live and talking for an extended period of time isn’t easy. That’s why most marketing gurus recommend you use SMART goals before going live. This means you plan your goals and use Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely objectives.

For example, going live to just talk about the fact that you have a channel isn’t going to do a lot for you. However, if you plan a Go Live event with a specific goal, like raising $5 for every new follower on Twitch, you can measure your results very easily and stay on track. This type of goal is attainable, relevant to your brand, and timely. As in, you can easily measure whether you were successful or not.

Don’t assume that just going live and talking will resonate. You aren’t as cool as you think you are; unless you use SMART goals and plan your event.

Teach a class with Go Live

If your Instagram followers are watching your Go Live event, chances are they are interested in some of the same things you’re interested in. Don’t assume they’re just Stans. With over 4 million would-be live streamers globally, and 3.1 million Gamer Girls following (and working in) that demo, sharing your experience with others could go a long way. You may hop on Instagram and Go Live, share some tips, and find out you just made a ton of new friends and added more viewers.

Conclusion on Instagram Live

In a nutshell, Instagram is a fantastic tool to promote your live stream. Here you can easily find creative ways to port your social media followers over to your channel. You’ll just need to start with a plan.

By Azlan