Live streaming has experienced exceptional growth over the years, thanks to the level of audience engagement creators get on live streams and the bond that is developed between host and viewer. But hosts can’t do it all; gaming, commentating, chatting, thanking, programming, it’s overwhelming. That’s where a streaming chatbot comes in.

A streaming chatbot can reduce your load and provide features that will keep your chat spam-free and audience engaged.

Let’s talk about everything you need to know about streaming chatbots.

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What is a streaming chatbot?

A streaming chatbot is a tool that lets streamers moderate their chat intuitively and interactively to foster a safe and inclusive environment, allowing you to censor and manage things like offensive slurs to keep your chat people-friendly.

Chatbots are pretty helpful for new streamers as they don’t usually have actual human mods that will ban or censor words on live streams. Chatbots are also used for automated messages or automatically sending new information to your audience. You can set up commands using chatbots that your viewers can use and interact with during the Livestream, making everything easy and manageable.

Some chatbots also provide features that let you save various stats of streams that you can view later. This is important early on as it helps you gather more information about your viewers and their interests.

Some chatbots even allow you to code and build customized themes and functionalities; the possibilities are abundant.

The advantages of using a streaming chatbot

The main advantage of using a chatbot, whether for Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, or some other streaming platform, is that it gives you more freedom to focus on the content you are creating. Unburdened by continuously interacting while also performing, chatbots maintain engagement when you can’t.

Chatbots can also give your channel and streaming account a more professional look, which will help build your brand and audience. Chatbots can also police chat rules in the Livestream, which is great for creating boundaries for viewers.

Examples of popular streaming chatbots

Some of the most famous examples of streaming chatbots are Stream Elements, Stream Labs, Moobot, Mix It Up, Nightbot, and Deepbot. But these are just a few examples. As the industry continues to grow, we’ve witnessed more companies developing innovative solutions to cater to the needs of streamers. If you can think of the use case, there may be a bot for it.

We recommend taking your time and experimenting with bots to find the best one for you.


Streaming chatbots take the stress out of streamers for doing basic tasks like sending rules, banning chats, and giving updates to users. Without these bots, you would need to monitor everything yourself or fork out FTE money. One time for the chatbots.

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