You’ve probably heard of the phrase “Too many cooks spoil the broth”, but Spiderman: No Way Home is a movie that just took that phrase and chucked it into another universe. It proved that you can pack a film with major characters and still do them all justice. 

There’s a reason why this movie took the world by storm and became the third highest-grossing film of all time in the US within the first couple of weeks of its release. It’s that it was quite literally a film executed to perfection. 

The movie picks up right after Spiderman Far From Home. Spiderman had just been exposed for “killing” Mysterio and became public enemy #1 while he tried to get into college. Things get so crazy that Peter has to enlist the help of a very reluctant Doctor Strange and asks him to do a spell that would make the world forget he was Spiderman. But in all the panic, the spell goes wrong and opens portals that smush all the Peter’s from the multiverse in one universe, along with their respective villains. 

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This seems like a recipe for disaster, but it was a melting pot that just brought closure to three decades of Spiderman. 

The return of Toby Mc Guire and Andrew Garfield’s Spidermen tied up some loose ends for their own respective films, especially for Andrew, since he was the “least favorite Spiderman”. While also turning over a new leaf for the original Peter. 

With all of that, we got to see all of the villains from the past decades, and they were able to get redemption, too, in their own ways. 

Throughout the film, the viewers can see the attention to detail, whether that’s something as simple as the iconic Spiderman meme recreated in a few different scenes or all of the Spidermen connecting over their shared traumas and experiences.

Spiderman: No Way Home – A Trilogy Done Right

If there’s one sentence to describe the film, it’s that it finally showed that not only is it possible to actually pull off a trilogy that everyone falls in love with, but it’s also possible to rope in 30 years of storyline and weave it into one massive, action and emotion-packed story that goes down in the books. 

Everyone across the world would agree that this is a movie that’s going to be very hard to top, but we’re still excited at what comes next, after this slice of perfection, in the Spiderverse.

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By Lee M

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