Being a streamer can be difficult to manage at times. As you grow, your responsibility to interact with and moderate your own chat can be nearly impossible at a certain point. Thankfully, fledgling streamers can count on a streamer bot for help. 

What are streamer bots?

Those new to streaming may wonder what a streaming bot is. Simply put, streamer bots are auto-moderators for your chat room. As you begin to stream, viewers will come to watch and eventually will start chatting with you and each other. Most will be nice and respectful. Some viewers will inevitably arrive who are not nice to you or to others in your growing community. 

Related: Mix It Up (2022): The Swiss Army Knife Of Streaming Bots

In steps your trusty bot. While there are quite a few to choose from (like Nightbot, Own3D, Streamlabs, Wizebot, Moobot, and more), streamer bots allow the streamer to focus on interacting with their viewers and doing whatever the viewers came to see them do. 

What can streamer bots do?

Basically every bot plugs a number of default actions into your stream to notify you and others of things like a new subscriber, a new follower, and other basic notifications. Streamer bots will also allow you to moderate and ban certain words. You can place a number of words that will be hidden or not allowed to be seen in your stream. You can also customize most of the streamer bots to start conversations in chat, insert certain messages into chat on a timer, manage a giveaway or poll, and even respond to custom commands. 

For example, you can have the streamer bot list a friend’s streamer channel and other social media sites in chat, start a poll, allow a viewer to post links, song requests, and other things. Some will even provide metrics on when viewers came into your stream, left, subscribed or followed, and so forth to help you analyze you stream performance.

Why are streamer bots important?

Everyone isn’t able to have a live person moderate the chat for every one of their streams. As stated before, one or more bad apple viewers may arrive in chat from time to time. When that happens, streamers should be prepared to allow their community to be toxicity free. And when you are too busy to chat with everyone in the room, the streamer bot can provide them with occasional information and conversation starters. 

This and more will keep the chat room engaged, informed, and comfortable enough to enjoy your stream. 

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