Yellowstone prequel 1923 actor Jerome Flynn, who plays Scottish sheepherder Banner Creighton and Jacob Dutton antagonist in the 1883 follow-up series, doesn’t just have beef with the Duttons; it’s pretty much all cattle ranchers, ya herd?

In an interview with Viva, an organization in the United Kingdom dedicated to exposing animal abuse in slaughterhouses and encouraging others to adopt a vegan lifestyle, the Game of Thrones and Yellowstone prequel star explained why he narrated Hogwood, a documentary about factory farms directed by Tony Wardle.

“Well I’ve known, I’ve been lucky enough to have known Juliet for many years, and uh, she’s been very influential in my choices, stopping eating animals. I’ve got great respect […] for all Viva do. It was an easy decision,” Jerome said.

Flynn joked that a woman pushed him to adopt a vegan lifestyle.

“I fell in love with a vegan in college. And she used to growl at me if I sat next to her with a sausage […] she would bring me these pamphlets […] it was really an awakening […] it was the welfare of animals that pushed me to carry on.”

Jerome Flynn at the Hogwood London premiere

But it’s his love for sheep in 1923 that pushed him into a war with Jacob Dutton and his family’s cattle business.

1923 part two: Jerome Flynn goes to war over cattle

We’ve all heard of taking our work home with us. But it’s pretty rare to see someone’s personal passions spill over into their professions (and keep a job, at least). But Jerome Flynn is doing just that.

When we last saw Banner Creighton in 1923, he and his posse had killed John Dutton, left Jacob incapacitated, and convinced Donald Whitfield to hand over a small fortune in exchange for the mineral rights to Yellowstone (should Banner manage to take the ranch from the Duttons).

Unfortunately, Banner’s got bigger problems than anticipated (or is even aware of now). Spencer Dutton, battle-hardened and tough-as-nails, is sailing home to find his brother assassinated, his uncle in critical condition, half the family’s cattle stolen or dead, and his aunt Cara serving as Livestock Commissioner.

To make matters worse for Jerome Flynn’s Banner, though, is the deputy powers Cara managed to have granted to the Livestock Commissioner in the closing moments of 1923 episode four. Banner objected to her right to move the motion, but Cara convinced the committee with a letter she forged just before the meeting.

When Banner tries to bully her into backing down, accusing her of lying and questioning how long she can keep up the charade (he knows Jacob isn’t in Wyoming), Cara irritatingly replies, “You’re dealing with me now, and I cut much slower.”

Indeed she does. The vote in episode four of 1923 deputizes the Livestock Commissioner, giving him full enforcement authority over all livestock matters in the state of Montana. In other words, it’s all the permission the Duttons need to build their army to counter Banner Creighton and Donald Whitfield, likely a death sentence for Banner and his men (none of whom play well with udders). But hey, mess with the bull and you’ll get the horns.

Jerome Flynn is such a great guy though, going to be a shame to see him get whipped by the cowboys Spencer throws together. The steaks are high. Ok, let’s not milk it.

1923 returns to Paramount Plus this weekend, February 5, 2023.

If you’d like to learn more about Viva and the work they do to protect animals in the UK, please visit

1923 stars Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren, James Badge Dale, Michelle Randolph, Jerome Flynn, Brandon Sklenar, Julia Schlaepfer, and Marley Shelton.

By Lee M