File: Repurpose Your Twitch Stream Content

Expanding your reach as a Twitch streamer inevitably means you need to start looking outside of the Amazon-owned platform. Fortunately, you don’t have to learn how to make pre-recorded content as you’re already making it when you’re live.

Learn why it’s important to repurpose your Twitch stream content on other platforms and how to get started with it with our guide.

Repurpose your Twitch stream content
Repurpose your Twitch stream content

Why make Twitch Stream Content on other platforms?

We’ve said it a thousand times, and we’ll say another thousand: Twitch is not a discoverable platform. And the way the site is going, it’s only getting harder and harder for new and small channels to find their audience. The solution is to make content on platforms that have much better discovery tools.

TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram do their content creators a much better service by giving them robust algorithms. It’s on these platforms that you’ll be able to expand your reach and direct people to watch your stream.

You don’t even need to make content specifically for these platforms as you’re already recording yourself while you stream. All it takes is a bit of forethought and you’ll be able to maximize every minute you’re live and turn it into repurposed content.

How to repurpose your twitch stream content

There are two primary ways you can use to repurpose the live content you’re creating during your Twitch stream. In all of these cases, you’ll need to do a bit of video editing to make the output fit your platform of choice. However, it’s become incredibly easy to do this. All you need is to search on YouTube for tutorials and you’ll be good to go.

Save your clips and highlights

As you go through your stream, you’ll inevitably start making clips and highlights from fun and noteworthy moments. These are prime materials that you can repurpose for other platforms. You can mash a bunch of highlights up into reels on YouTube or take each short clip and turn it into a TikTok or Shorts video.

One thing to avoid here, though, is making “highlight” videos. These are actually really bad for search as people don’t know who you are. Audiences on other platforms only look for clips and highlights of content creators they know. To mitigate this, you’ll need to consider the wider, connected story of your clips and make a title that’ll attract people who’ve never heard of you before.

Plan for “Recording” segments

This has become an increasingly popular technique among Twitch streamers. The idea is that you have segments during your stream where you’re effectively creating content for other platforms. It might feel disingenuous going from streaming live to pausing to switch to “recording mode” but it’s actually something your audience is likely going to love. This is because they’ll get to be a part of your repurposed content.

These segments can be anything, from talking points to teaching your audience something about the game you’re playing. Having one or two of these segments per stream will give you enough content to upload to other platforms on a regular basis. Just make sure you explain to your live audience beforehand and make the chat visible in the recording.

Ideas for Repurpose Twitch stream content

Funny moments

Funny moments, such as dying to an easy enemy or losing at the last minute, are great for short clips and short-form content. You can also mash them up into meme videos if you’re slightly more confident in your editing skills.

Game challenges

Whether you’re a speed runner or like to play games in an alternative and challenging way, you can turn your stream into repurposed content. All you need is moments where you succeed at completing a challenge and the series of events that led to the success. Bonus points if you can get some audience reactions in there.

Talking points

Every moment where you’re talking about something or telling a story is great material for repurposed content from Twitch. Ideally, you want it to be something preplanned so you ensure you get all your thoughts and ideas recorded. However, spontaneous talks can also be pretty fun for people to watch.

So, repurposing your Twitch stream content could be an incredible fun with your followers, if you just go-ahead your stream into repurposed content.