File: What Fonts Does Discord Use?

Discord is a popular voice, video, and text chat app for gamers. Known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of features. One of the things that make Discord stand out is the use of a custom font called gg Sans. 

In this article, we will cover “What Fonts Does Discord Use?” we’ll take a closer look at gg sans and explain its features in detail. We’ll also cover other fonts you can use with Discord. Whether you’re looking for new fonts for your Discord server, or just curious about the fonts used by Discord, keep reading.  

Discord Font: What is it?

gg sans is a sans serif font specially designed for Discord. It is called Discord Font. It’s a clean, modern font that’s easy to read and looks great on both desktop and mobile. gg sans is also highly customizable, allowing you to change the font size, weight, and color of your preferences. 

What Fonts Does Discord Use?

The font used in Discord is called gg Sans. A custom font created by the Discord design team. gg Sans is a sans serif font that is crisp and legible even at small sizes. It is also versatile and can be used for many purposes. B. for text, code, and symbols.

First released in December 2022, gg sans is now the default font for all Discord platforms, including desktop apps, mobile apps, web apps, and websites. Here are some of the advantages of using gg sans:

  • Clear and easy to read, even in small sizes.
  • It is versatile and can be used for various purposes.
  • Designed for use on all Discord platforms.
  • Here are some drawbacks to using gg sans.
  • Fonts are not known and may not be available on all devices.

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How to change the font in Discord?

Since this is a custom font,  it may not be as customizable as other fonts.  Overall, gg sans is a good choice for a Discord font. Clear, easy to read, and versatile. If you are looking for a font that is easy to use and looks great on all Discord platforms, gg Sans is a good option.  
Here are the steps to change the font in Discord:

1. Open Discord.

2. Click your profile picture in the lower left corner of the window.

3. Select “User Settings” from the menu.

What Fonts Does Discord Use?
What Fonts Does Discord Use?

4. Under “Appearance”, select the “Fonts” tab.

What Fonts Does Discord Use?
What Fonts Does Discord Use?

5. Select the font you want to use from the list.

6. Click “Apply” to save your changes.

What Fonts Does Discord Use?
What Fonts Does Discord Use?

Note: Please note that you can only change the font in the Discord desktop app. Mobile apps and web apps don’t have this option.

However, you should consider some of Discord Fonts limitations to changing fonts in Discord:

• You can only change the font for the entire Discord application. You cannot change the font of individual strings or messages.

• The list of available fonts is limited. You cannot use a font that is not listed.

• Changing the font may not affect all parts of Discord. For example, the chat box font may be different from the UI font.

Overall, changing Discord fonts is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. However, there are some limitations to this feature that you should be aware of.

The best font for Discord

Here are many fonts Discord fonts you can use. We have researched and listed our favorites:

Roboto is a clear and legible multi-purpose font. It’s a good choice for general use.

Open Sans is another versatile font similar to Roboto. It’s a good choice for those who want a more modern look.

Consolas is a perfect monospaced font for coding. It is also a good choice for those who want a more traditional look.

Inconsolata is another monospaced font similar to Consolas. It’s a good choice for those who want a more modern look.

PT Mono is a fixed-width font designed for high-quality typography. It’s a good choice for those who want the best possible experience when coding or writing text.

Ultimately, the best font for you will come down to personal preference. Try different fonts and see which you like best.

Some additional issues to consider when choosing fonts for Discord:

Readability: Fonts should be legible, even in small sizes.

Flexible: Fonts should be flexible and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as text, code, and icons.

Design: The font should have a nice design and look good on the Discord platform.

Personalized: The font must be customized so that you can change the look and feel of the font to your liking.

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How to choose the best font for Discord?

Considering these factors, you can choose the best font for Discord and make your experience more enjoyable.  Discord Font Generator is an online tool that allows you to create different fonts to use in your Discord chat messages. Discord does not allow you to change the default font style and size, but with this tool, you can get sleek and stylish text with just one click.

To use the Discord font generator, simply enter your text in the input field and click the “Generate” button. The generator will then generate a list of different fonts that you can use. You can then copy and paste the generated text into your Discord chat messages.  Here are of using the Discord font generator:

• You can add personality to your Discord font chat messages.

• You can make your post stand out from the crowd.

• You can express yourself more creatively.

• You can have fun with your Discord chat messages.

If you’re looking to add fun and personality to your Discord chat messages, then the Discord font generator is the perfect tool for you.  


What is the Discord branding font?

The Discord-branded font is a custom version of the Ginto Nord typeface designed by Seb McLauchlan and released by Dinamo in 2018. The original logo uses a modified version of Uni Sans Heavy, a font created by Svet Simov Design in 2009.

The new Discord fonts is more playful and expressive than the old one, and reflects the company’s commitment to being a fun and friendly place for gamers and the community. Fonts are also easier to read, which is important for a platform used for communication. 

Discord’s default font is Uni Sans. This is a sans-serif font, meaning there are no serifs or small dashes at the ends of the letters. Sans-serif fonts are considered more modern and easier to read than serif fonts.

Can I change Discord’s default font?

Discord does not allow users to change the default font. However, there are some workarounds. A workaround is to use an external font generator to compose her Discord messages in a different font. Another workaround is to use Markdown to apply text formatting such as bold, italic, and underline. Finally, the user can change the font size of her Discord messages.  

Why did Discord change the font?

Discord changed its Discord fonts to gg sans in December 2022. The company said the new font is more modern, easier to read, and more expressive. gg sans is also a custom font, meaning Discord has more control over how it looks and behaves.

How do I get the new Discord fonts?

When you update your Discord app, the new Discord font will automatically apply to your account. If you haven’t updated the app yet, you can do so by visiting the Discord website and clicking the “Download” button.

Can I use Discord fonts in my projects?

gg Sans is currently not an open-source font, so you cannot currently use it in your own projects. However, Discord has said it may release the font to the public in the future.  I don’t like the new Discord font.

Can I undo it?

Unfortunately, there is no way to revert to the old Discord font. However, you can change the appearance of Discord messages using the workaround above. 

Finally, What Fonts Does Discord Use?

The default Discord font is Uni Sans. It’s a sans serif font, which means it doesn’t have a footer or little hyphen at the end of the letters. Sans serif fonts are generally considered more modern and easier to read than serif fonts.

Discord does not allow users to change the default Discord font, but there are a few workarounds. One solution is to use an external font generator to generate Discord messages with a different font. Another solution is to use Markdown to apply formatting to text, such as bold, italic, and underline.

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