File: Bard, finish this sentence…

With so much talk and fear-mongering over AI and ChatGPT, it’s easy to imagine a world where artificial intelligence has fulfilled all of the doomsday predictions we hear in the media. However, ChatGPT, based on our experience using the tool, has a long way to go before humans are farmed for their energy or used as slaves for “the machine.”

Google’s new AI, Bard, on the other hand, does a pinch more than ChatGPT (kidding, it’s shockingly advanced). With the ability to analyze and develop its own language algorithms, answer complicated questions, and even write fictional stories, Bard is a learning machine that can outpace and outwork any human being. But is Bard a threat to humanity? That remains to be seen. What Bard is in its current iteration, however, is a tool that has a stunning ability to analyze trends and create predictions.

For this reason, we decided to give the highly complex and intelligent Bard a run by asking it to finish this sentence: “In 10 years, the streaming industry….”

The results were stunning; but in short, live-streaming is set to take over social and entertainment, and soon.

What Bard says about the live-streaming industry’s future

Before we dive into Bard’s prediction it is worth noting that the tool has no inside information nor is it a crystal ball. With that said, however, we have to concur with Bard’s guesstimate as it aligns with our own market research two years ago, almost to the T. Get ready for AI that can solve Elon Musk-level problems in seconds.

Bard, finish this sentence: “In 10 years, the streaming industry…”

In 10 years, the live-streaming industry will be a major force in the entertainment and media landscape. It will be used to broadcast everything from concerts and sporting events to cooking shows and gaming tournaments. Live-streaming will also be used to connect people from all over the world in new and innovative ways.


Bard goes on to predict several ways the streaming industry will disrupt media in the next decade.

For example, Google’s new AI suggests that live-streaming will become the primary way people consume entertainment, something we predicted in 2022. And given that Twitch now boasts an audience the size of Disney Plus, with no original intellectual property to speak of, there’s no reason to believe this prediction will fall short.

Furthermore, Bard suggests that live-streaming will revolutionize the way people communicate and interact with each other, connecting people from all over the world in new and innovative ways. And while it stops short of suggesting that live-streaming will replace traditional media, there is a clear thread in the Ai’s responses that suggest live-streaming will eventually become the dominant way people all over the world interact with each other.

More predictions from Google’s new AI

Check out a few other predictions Bard makes about the live-streaming industry in the next decade:

  • Live streaming will become more mainstream. Live-streaming is already a popular way to watch content, but it is likely to become even more mainstream in the next 10 years. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing availability of high-speed internet, the rise of mobile devices, and the growing popularity of social media.
  • Live streaming will become more interactive. Viewers will be able to interact with streamers in real time, through chat, polls, and other features. This will make live-streaming more engaging and interactive for viewers.
  • Live streaming will become more personalized. Platforms will use artificial intelligence to recommend content to viewers based on their interests. This will make it easier for viewers to find the content they want to watch.
  • Live streaming will become more immersive. Viewers will be able to experience live events as if they are there in person, through virtual reality and augmented reality. This will make live-streaming more immersive and engaging for viewers.

Bard goes on to predict that live streaming will change the way we live and work. Remember the mall scene in Minority Report? If Bard’s prediction is correct, we may be only decades away from tailored advertising programs where, as technology learns more about us and who we prefer to watch and get our news from, your favorite streamer is the stand-in for the latest hair products. Crazy? Well, who would you trust to buy your products from?

In any case, our experiment with Bard has convinced us to carry on at STW. With platforms like Twitch, Kick, Caffaine, and the OG YouTube now making up the bulk of independent content creation and a huge chunk of viewership (Neilsen now tracks Twitch), it’s anyone’s guess how far the new and exciting medium will go in the coming years.

More on Bard:

How to use Bard

Related: Live Streaming Industry Set For Explosive Growth In 2023?

By Lee M

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