How old do you have to be to play Fortnite? Consequently, the same age you have to be to earn money on Twitch; 13+. Fortnite is a popular Battle Royale PvP that has swept the globe and built entire careers on YouTube and Twitch, but its content and gameplay may not be appropriate for all ages. So what is the minimum age to play Fortnite and what should parents know before creating an Epic account?

Minimum age: 13

Rating: “T” for Teen

Summary: Fortnite is a relatively safe game for children, however, parents should consider how the child will interact with other players via chat and audio, and manage their in-game purchases and screen time as some studies have shown that prolonged play can be addictive.

What is Fortnite?

Fortnite is a popular video game developed by Epic Games. Originally released in 2017 and available on virtually all gaming platforms and PC, the Battle Royale pits up to 100 players against one another in an all-out brawl for first place. In recent years, the game has added more game modes to attract new players, like Team Deathmatch, Runner-styled competitions, Creative, Duo, Trios, and Squads. In most games, players start with nothing and must scavenge for weapons, ammo, and resources to build structures for cover and strategic advantage.

How old do you have to be to play Fortnite
How old do you have to be to play Fortnite in 2023? Fortnite by Epic Games

As mentioned above, the popular Battle Royale also has a creative mode, where players can build their own worlds and games to share with others. It has a cartoonish, whimsical style aesthetic with various characters, skins, and emotes that players can unlock or purchase via Fortnite’s in-game currency (VBucks).

Sample Fortnite gameplay

Fortnite has become a cultural phenomenon, with millions of players worldwide and various esports tournaments with large cash prizes. It also offers cross-platform compatibility, allowing players on different devices to play together. Players can also track their stats online via the Fortnite Tracker.

Fortnite’s accessibility is one of the main things players highlight, and since it’s Free-to-Play, it’s often a go-to for younger players who aren’t yet able to buy their own games while also offering a great opportunity to play with friends online.

Since its launch, the game has amassed over 250 million users. Its success, however, has not been without criticism.

Research from the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) has suggested that the game may be related to an upsurge in self-harm among young people, again pressing the question of how much screen time with any game is appropriate for children.

Some parents and teachers have expressed concerns about the game’s influence on children’s mental health and social development, citing studies that the game may be more addictive than heroin and cocaine.

The popular PvP also ran into trouble with the FTC last March for allegedly overcharging customers millions in its in-game store via microtransactions.

Despite these issues, however, Fortnite remains one of the world’s most popular video games.

How old do you have to be to play Fortnite?

The minimum age to play Fortnite is 13+. This is due to the game’s “T” for Teen rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). Fortnite is a cooperative sandbox survival game where players work together (or individually) to scavenge materials, construct fortresses, and battle waves of attackers. This means players will ultimately have to eliminate others to win with weapons like assault rifles and grenades; and while cartoonish, the game requires the use of violence to win.

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Parental controls are a great way to limit access to certain features that parents find inappropriate or unsafe. These controls can be accessed from the game’s main menu, and once a PIN is set, the code will restrict access to certain features or limit gameplay options for younger players, like filtering communication to teammates they don’t know or being exposed to inappropriate language or conduct.

By setting parental controls, parents can also disable their child’s ability to make purchases from the in-game store.

Parental controls can also help restrict playing time and access to certain game modes.

Before playing Fortnite parents should consider the following

Time management can be a problem for unsupervised children, since the game may be addicting and lead to extensive playing sessions – though this can be mitigated with supervision easily.

Another aspect to consider is how the player will navigate in-game purchases. For example, to unlock the unique outfits and emotes associated with the latest season, players will have to fork up 800 VBucks or $7.99 (every 3 months).

This isn’t required to play the game though, and players have the opportunity to easily earn the 800 VBucks needed each season by completing quests (we typically earn around 1600 VBucks every season).

Still, younger players may struggle with banking their VBucks over a three-month release schedule, splurging on in-store outfits and styles before the next season’s release. In other words, the game provides more than enough opportunity to keep up with the Jonesy’s (the game’s primary protagonist); the question is whether parents want their children to have more.

Final words

So, how old do you have to be to play Fortnite in 2023? Fortnite is advised for users who are 13+ years and older because of its content, which contains violence, mild blood, and moderate use of moderately violent language.

However, it’s important to remember that age ratings are only suggestions and it’s up to parents and guardians to make educated decisions about what is acceptable for their children to play.

Some children may be mature enough to handle the game’s material, while others may not.
Parents and guardians should take into account their child’s age, maturity level, and capacity to comprehend and discern between fiction and reality before allowing them to play Fortnite or any other video game with a comparable age classification.

Streaming on Twitch doesn’t come with the same flexibility, however, as parents cannot override Twitch’s age restrictions.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Play Fortnite In 2023?