Are you a fan of 1980’s era Billy Joel? (“We only play 80’s Joel, sir.”) Then maybe it’s time to revisit the mid-2000’s comedy classic Step Brothers.

Helmed by Succession showrunner and now Oscar favorite Adam McKay, the director reunited with Talladega Nights costars John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell, all of whom frequently collaborate.

In addition to The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, the film followed on the heels of other successes of the era that made for somewhat of a golden age of broad comedy cinema. Along with McKay, Judd Apatow and Todd Phillips churned out the defining hits of the era including Knocked Up, 40 Year-old Virgin, Old School, and Wedding Crashers.

Step Brothers was the last of those type of films to be released, hitting the box office in 2008, marking the end of an era.

Meet the Family

Ferrel and Reilly star as Brennan Huff and Dale Doback respectively, two 40 year-olds who refuse to grow up. Brennan lives at home with his single mother played by Mary Steenburgen while Dale lives at home with his single father played by Richard Jenkins. Both men rely heavily on their respective parent for support both emotional and financial, existing in a state of arrested development.

When their parents decide they want to get married and retire, the childish duo refuses to accept that their lives have changed and act out in ways that put a strain on their parent’s marriage.

After driving a wedge between their parents, Brennan and Dale realize they must put childish differences aside and own up to their mistakes. The pair end their adversarial relationship and truly embrace being step brothers, all in an effort to reunite their parents.

It’s a road to redemption and reconciliation that leads to, where else but, the Catalina F*cking Wine Mixer.

Should You Stream Step Brothers?

Whether it would be your first visit to the Catalina Wine Mixer or your 50th, Step Brothers is a comedy classic that is always worth a watch. From the opening credits to the classic “Boats and Hoes” scene, this is one family reunion you won’t want to miss.

Where Can You Stream?

Step Brothers is available to rent on Amazon Prime and free for members on Sling.

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By Lee M

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