File: the 7 keys to success on Twitch

Twitch has exploded in popularity in the last decade. The platform provides viewers and content creators the ability to connect, interact, and share experiences with each other in ways that traditional media could never dream of. The platform provides viewers the ability to support their favorite streamers, discover new games, and much more. But what are the keys to success on Twitch?

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Success on Twitch

The 7 keys to success on Twitch

Choosing the right games

As most streamers know, not all games are created equally. One of our favorite streamers, OliverOG, told us once in an interview that he’d refuse to play a game that he didn’t enjoy; which makes sense. Not only are some games uninteresting, they also have the ability to suck the life out of a streamer who doesn’t enjoy playing them. It’s true that some games are more popular than others, but it’s critical that streamers research games that are regularly viewed on Twitch and pick one that is both relevant and enjoyable. If you don’t enjoy playing Candy Crush on Twich, no one else will enjoy watching you play it.

Not to mention, some games are more conducive to a fun live-streaming experience than others. Competitive games like Fortnite and Call of Duty are popular for their multiplayer Battle Royale modes, but the real reason they pop is that viewers are watching streamers compete against real players, rather than mastering headshots on predictable NPCs.

Look for games that put your skills to the test, are fun, and force you to demonstrate your esports abilities if you want to see success on Twitch.

Stick a streaming schedule

This should be a no-brainer, but casual live streamers looking for fame and fortune skip this step every time. Viewers want to know when they can expect to watch your stream.

Yes, we all have tight schedules, and many content creators work two, three, or even four side hustles at a time to make ends meet; but creating a streaming schedule is critical if you want to see success on Twitch. How successful would shows like The Office be if we had to guess when the next episode was scheduled?

Use Twitch’s schedule feature to create a program guideline so your viewers know when they can find you online. If you don’t, you’ll be relegated to the discoverability of your stream, which is pretty horrible on Google’s SERP.

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Invest in great equipment

If there is anything that viewers will not forgive, it’s audio and latency. No one wants to listen to your commentary through a static VOIP from the moon nor do they want to watch a choppy version of a game they can play in 60FPS at home.

You don’t need the most expensive equipment on the market, but a decent rig that produces quality audio and video is a must.

In regard to microphones and headphones, keep in mind that while you don’t need Joe Rogan’s decked-out mic or an expensive pair of Beats headphones, you do need a mic that reduces background noise and a pair of headphones that prevents audio from bleeding into your mic.

Have fun on your stream to see success on Twitch

As our friends OliverOG and idKatherine have said in the past, one of the most important parts of streaming is just being yourself and having fun. If you’re not enjoying the game or streaming experience, no one else will either.

If you’re enjoying what you play, it’s more likely that those who come by will enjoy the experience as well. It shouldn’t matter if what you love is a big popular game, or something more niche and small, if it’s your cup of tea then that’s what matters. The right people will find you and enjoy you for you.


Promote your content on social

As mentioned above, it is well known that Twitch’s discovery is pretty horrible on Google. For this reason, it’s important to promote your content as often as you can on all of your social media platforms. Let your friends, family, and followers know about your stream by promoting it on social media. You can also use social media to interact with your viewers and build a community around your channel. And don’t forget to make your social content accessible to all viewers if you want to maximize your success on Twitch.

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Collaborate with other streamers

Another great piece of advice from OliverOG is to collaborate with other streamers often. According to Oliver, unless you’re really good at a game or collaborate with other established streamers, chances are you’ve got an uphill battle in your early days.

Collaborating with other streamers is a great way to grow your audience and reach new viewers. You can do this by hosting each other’s streams, participating in raids, or even just appearing as guests on each other’s shows.

Have patience, Rome wasn’t built in a day

As content creators ourselves, we understand better than most how much resilience is needed to watch month after month as a handful of viewers come and go with little to show for it. It takes time to build a brand and you need to remember that there are an estimated four million would-be live streamers on Twitch; so don’t expect success overnight.

In other words, don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results in the first month. Just keep streaming, keep promoting your channel, and keep having fun. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your streaming goals.

Final words

Outside of being the first person to win a competition, discover a new game, or invent an entirely new style and schtick, most live streamers will struggle for months before they see any real success. However, with a little patience and persistence, you can find success on Twitch by using these tips and tricks as you plan your stream and content structure.

And don’t forget to visit STW regularly for more tips and tricks if you want to see success on Twitch.

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